● Complimentary High Holiday Seats for immediate family members
● Listing in the Membership Directory
● Complimentary listings of departed loved ones in Yom Kippur Yizkor booklet
● Complimentary Box of Shmurah Matzah for Passover
● Discount on all Chabad events and programs including Sisterhood, JLI, Shabbat Dinners, Passover Seders, and more
● Menorah & Candles kit mailed to your college age children at school
● Mishloach Manot - Purim Basket - delivered to your home
● Complimentary Lulav & Etrog set for Sukkot
● Shiva service after the loss of a loved one
● Belonging to an amazing Jewish community & building lifelong friendships.

$1,800 Family Membership (or $150/monthly)
$3,000 Upgraded Membership (or $250/monthly)
$1,500 Single Parent Family (or $125/monthly)
$900 Single Membership (or $75/monthly)

The CHAI SOCIETY Members are the pillars of our community. It is because of you that we can continue to offer the highest level of educational, religious and social programming, and making this all available to all, regardless of their ability to pay.
□ CHAI Donor: $5,000 (or $416/monthly)
□ CHAI Partner: $10,000 (or $833/monthly)
□ CHAI Rabbi's Circle: $18,000 (or $1,500/monthly)
□ CHAI Leadership Circle: $36,000 (or $3,000/monthly)

Rabbi Arik will be happy to meet with you to share a presentation, so you can see the impact of your support. He can be reached at [email protected]

No one is turned away for lack of funds. If you cannot afford the full amount requested, please contact the rabbi at [email protected] for a confidential arrangement.

Click here for Membership Form.